What are medicinal mushrooms?
If you want to find out how to get the best out of medicinal mushrooms with alcohol, you've come to the right place. We don't have any recipes for white wine sauce, but we do have the most important information about these natural remedies.
What is Astragalus extract?
Astragalus root extract has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
How curcumin works
Turmeric owes its bright yellow colour to the plant compound curcumin. But curcumin is much more than that.
The effects of the yam root
Yam is a staple food around the world. The yam is a staple food in many parts of the world, similar to the potato.
When the immune system needs a boost
Our immune system is usually good at fending off invaders. But how can we strengthen it so that it continues to work well under high levels of stress?
Alkaline diet
The pH of our organs plays an important role in our health. But how does our diet affect our body's acid-base balance?
How a detox works
The human body works around the clock to eliminate harmful substances and toxins. But when there are too many toxins in the system, it needs help.
Calcium or calcium - the important thing is to take it!
Find out what this important mineral is involved in in the body and which is the better form of calcium here!
Acidic foods
What is an acid-base balance? And how can I achieve it? Which foods are metabolised in an acidic way and which in an alkaline way? Our report answers the most important questions on these topics!
Heartburn - an annoyance and a burden!
Many people suffer from heartburn after a hearty meal. You have a glass of wine or beer, treat yourself to a nice dessert or even a little digestive liqueur - and there it is again: a sharp pain, pressure in the stomach and sometimes even nausea: heartburn!
Magnesium: How does it affect the menstrual cycle?
Many women are familiar with them and suffer from them every month: Menstrual cramps. Read more about the processes in your body during your period, discover natural approaches to relieve the pain and find out what role magnesium and other nutrients play in this. Improve your quality of life during your period in a completely natural way!
Your nutritional timetable for pregnancy
The right diet is particularly important during pregnancy to ensure that the expectant mother and, above all, the baby are adequately supplied with all the important nutrients. Because nutrition can influence the baby's development! Valuable answers and tips can be found here.
These are the causes of hair loss
There are many different types of hair loss in men and women - and there are different ways to help your hair grow back. Find out more now.