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Knochen & Gelenke

OPC - antioxidants for better health!

OPC - antioxidants for better health!

Why OPC can fight oxidative stress

Every day we fuel our health with negative influences, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Find out here how oxidative stress damages our body and how oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) can strengthen it.

Fibromyalgia: living with chronic pain

Fibromyalgia: living with chronic pain

Understand, relieve and live better - your source of knowledge and support for fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia affects millions of people worldwide and causes chronic pain, fatigue and sleep disorders. Find out what treatment options are available to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Discover tips and strategies for a better well-being.

Proline: the building block for healthy joints

Proline: the building block for healthy joints

Discover the benefits of proline for your joints, skin and connective tissue.
Proline is an amino acid that plays an important role in healthy joints, skin and connective tissue. Find out how proline can help strengthen your joints and keep your skin elastic. Immerse yourself in the world of amino acids and their benefits for your health!

What makes collagen special

What makes collagen special

The protein does more than just work in the skin.

Collagen is best known for its role in the connective tissue of the skin. Skincare products or supplements containing collagen are often advertised as having an "anti-ageing" effect. But the protein can do more.

Often in short supply in winter - Vitamin D

Often in short supply in winter - Vitamin D

The effect of the "sun vitamin".

Vitamin D is a real all-rounder when it comes to health: it ensures healthy bones and is involved in many processes in the human body.

Calcium or calcium - the important thing is to take it!

Calcium or calcium - the important thing is to take it!

What exactly is it and why is everyone talking about it?

Find out what this important mineral is involved in in the body and which is the better form of calcium here!

SAMe - for more energy and a better mood

SAMe - for more energy and a better mood

Learn how the amino acid S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) can support your mood, energy levels and liver function.

Diet for osteoarthritis - how supplements can help

Diet for osteoarthritis - how supplements can help

Now there is support for the joints - with a healthy diet and the right supplements.

Collagen hydrolysate - what to look out for

Collagen hydrolysate - what to look out for

Hydrolysed collagen is more easily absorbed by the body than normal collagen. All you need to know about the supplement

L-threonine - an essential amino acid with important functions

L-threonine - an essential amino acid with important functions

What are the consequences of a deficiency and how does a vegan diet relate to this?

Amino acids are an important building block for our health. Which ones can the body produce and which ones need to be ingested in order to fulfil all functions? What are the risks for vegans and what are the dangers of a deficiency? Our report answers the most important questions!

Why is methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) so important to us?

Why is methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) so important to us?

What processes depend on this organic sulphur?

An adequate supply of sulphur is essential for the proper functioning of enzymes and amino acids. Here you can read about the benefits of MSM for our skin and hair, as well as for osteoarthritis, allergies and sports injuries.

The essential amino acid lysine

The essential amino acid lysine

Lysine can be useful in these areas

From the metabolism to the immune system to the skin: there are many processes in the body in which lysine is involved. A deficiency of the essential amino acid can therefore disrupt these processes. The good news is that lysine is found in many foods. Find out more in this articel!

Vitamin K2 for bones and cardiovascular health

Vitamin K2 for bones and cardiovascular health

Why you should avoid a deficiency

A vitamin K2 deficiency is associated with osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis. Here you can find out more about this important vitamin, its function in calcium metabolism and what you should definitely bear in mind when taking a supplement.