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Polysaccharides: The invisible powerhouses for your diet

Polysaccharides: The invisible powerhouses for your diet

Find out how these complex carbohydrates support your health and what benefits they can offer the body.
Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates that are found in many foods. Discover what role these polysaccharides play in our diet and what functions they fulfill in the body.

Alkaline diet

Alkaline diet

About the importance of acidic and alkaline foods for our body.

The pH of our organs plays an important role in our health. But how does our diet affect our body's acid-base balance?

Brown algae - nutrients and vitamins from the sea

Brown algae - nutrients and vitamins from the sea

How do you benefit from brown algae extract?

Inconspicuous and widely underestimated: brown algae are not only tasty as food, but also a good way to support your body as a dietary supplement. Find out everything you need to know about the benefits of these algae here.

The importance of beta-glucan for the body

The importance of beta-glucan for the body

All about the underrated fibre

Good for the gut and the immune system? Fibre is said to have a number of health-promoting properties and effects. We have summarised these for you in this article.