Everything you need to know about caffeine tablets
Caffeine tablets are a convenient and fast-acting way to experience the energising effects of caffeine without drinking a cup of coffee. In this article, we'll highlight the important aspects to consider to understand both the benefits and potential risks.
When to take caffeine tablets
Consumption should be carefully planned and dosed, as caffeine is a stimulant and can have potentially negative effects on health. Avoid abusing capsules or tablets containing caffeine. You should not take them regularly to avoid developing dependence or tolerance.
Here are some tips on when caffeine tablets are best taken:
In the morning: These supplements or capsules are often taken in the morning to increase alertness and vigilance. If you have difficulty waking up or concentrating in the morning, a caffeine tablet may be an option.
Before physical activity: Some athletes take such supplements before training, as caffeine has an effect on endurance and performance and can improve them [1].
For fatigue or drowsiness: Caffeine capsules can also be taken if you become tired or sleepy during the day. This can be helpful to stay awake in the short term, but should not become a routine.
Before long car journeys: If you have long car journeys ahead of you and are at risk of becoming tired while driving, taking them in moderation can help to increase your alertness.
Pay attention to the dosage: Make sure you do not exceed the recommended intake. The recommended intake depends on individual tolerance and sensitivity to the ingredient. As a rule, a caffeine tablet contains between 100 and 200 mg of caffeine.
It is also important to know: Everyone reacts differently to caffeine. Some people may be more sensitive than others and should therefore consume less.
Avoid taking it in the hours before bedtime, as this can cause sleep disturbances. People with certain health conditions, such as heart disease or high blood pressure, and people taking other stimulants or medications should consult with their doctor before taking supplements and capsules of this type.
It is important to note that caffeine capsules can be addictive, and it is advisable not to abuse it. If you have any questions or concerns about its use, it's best to speak with a doctor or a nutrition and health professional to make sure they are appropriate for your particular situation.
How long does it take for a caffeine tablet to take effect?
The time it takes for a caffeine tablet to take effect can vary from person to person and depends on several factors. In general, the effects of caffeine-containing supplements usually begin to be felt within about 15 to 45 minutes after ingestion. Here are some factors that can influence how quickly it works:
Empty stomach vs. full stomach: If you take the capsule or tablet on an empty stomach, the effects may come on faster as the ingredients are absorbed more quickly by the gastrointestinal tract. However, if you take them after a meal, absorption may be slower and it may take longer for you to feel the effects.
Individual tolerance: People who regularly consume caffeinated foods often develop a tolerance to the stimulant effects. For these people, it may take longer for the effects to kick in as their body is used to the active ingredient.
Quantity: The amount of caffeine in the product plays a role. A higher dose can lead to a faster onset of the effect. The recommended daily intake of 200 mg should not be exceeded.
Body weight and metabolism: People with a higher body weight or a faster metabolism may be able to process the active ingredient more quickly, which can lead to a faster onset of the effect.
Form of caffeine intake: The form in which you consume caffeine can also influence the speed. Caffeine tablets are usually absorbed faster than caffeine from coffee or tea.
It is important to note that the stimulating effect wears off after a few hours. The half-life in the body is around three to five hours. This means that the effect gradually wears off after this time.
If you take caffeine tablets, you should follow the dosage recommendations on the packaging or your doctor's instructions exactly to avoid unwanted side effects.
How many caffeine tablets can you take per day?
The safe amount a person can take per day varies depending on individual tolerance, sensitivity to caffeine and other health factors. However, there are some general guidelines and recommendations that should be considered:
Daily limit: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends limiting daily caffeine intake to about 400 milligrams per day. This is roughly equivalent to the amount in four cups of coffee. This recommendation can serve as a rough guideline [2].
Individual tolerance: Personal tolerance can vary greatly. Some people are more sensitive and can experience undesirable side effects such as nervousness, palpitations or sleep disorders even at lower levels. Others can tolerate higher amounts without problems.
Health factors: People with certain health problems, such as heart problems, high blood pressure or sleep disorders, should discuss the intake of caffeine tablets or other caffeine-containing products with their doctor and possibly use a lower amount or avoid them altogether.
Other sources of caffeine: Also consider other sources of caffeine in your diet, such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks or chocolate. The total intake from all sources should not exceed your personal tolerance and the recommended upper limit.
What side effects can caffeine tablets have?
Caffeine tablets can have a number of side effects, especially if they are taken in excessive amounts or improperly. The type and severity of side effects can vary from person to person and depend on factors such as individual caffeine tolerance and the amount ingested. Here are some possible side effects:
Nervousness and restlessness: As it is a stimulant, it can trigger feelings of nervousness, anxiety and inner restlessness.
Heart palpitations: An increased heartbeat or palpitations is a common side effect and can occur in sensitive individuals or at high doses.
Sleep disturbances: The active ingredient can affect sleep, especially if a tablet is taken late in the day. It may cause you to have difficulty falling asleep or shorten your sleep overall.
Stomach pain and digestive problems: Some people may experience stomach problems, such as heartburn, nausea or stomach cramps, after taking caffeine tablets.
Headaches: Paradoxically, caffeine tablets can trigger withdrawal symptoms such as headaches in people who regularly consume caffeine and then stop abruptly.
Shaking: It can cause shaky hands or muscles in some people.
Hypertension: In sensitive individuals or at excessive doses, the active ingredient can temporarily increase blood pressure.
Addiction: Regular and excessive use of supplements of this type can lead to addiction, which can result in withdrawal symptoms if consumption is stopped abruptly.
It is important to note that most of these side effects are generally mild and can be avoided with responsible use. To minimise the risk of side effects, you should follow the recommended daily intake on the packaging of the tablets and ensure that you do not take in more of the active ingredient than your body can tolerate.
Are caffeine tablets available on prescription?
In most countries, tablets and capsules, which generally have a low caffeine content, are not available on prescription and may be available without a doctor's prescription in pharmacies or even in some supermarkets and online shops. These tablets are often marketed as dietary supplements or supplements to support alertness and attention.
However, it is important to note that some specific caffeine supplements that contain higher doses or other ingredients may be considered prescription drugs in some countries. These are usually prescribed for medical reasons and require the supervision of a doctor.
As laws and regulations regarding the availability of such tablets may vary from country to country, it is advisable to check the local laws and regulations in your area and speak to a doctor or pharmacist if necessary if you have any questions about availability or safe use. It's also important to follow the dosage recommendations on the packaging closely and keep consumption in moderation to minimise potential side effects.
Why are caffeine tablets an alternative to coffee?
Supplements containing caffeine can be an alternative to coffee as they offer some benefits. Here are some reasons why some people prefer such tablets to coffee:
Accurate dosing: Supplements allow for precise intake as you know exactly how much caffeine is in each tablet. This can be helpful to precisely control your caffeine intake, especially if you need specific amounts to boost your alertness or energy.
Calorie-free: Coffee can contain calories from milk, sugar or other additives that can affect your diet. Tablets are usually calorie-free and are therefore good for people who need to keep an eye on their calorie intake.
Faster acting: Supplements can usually work faster than coffee. While coffee takes time to brew and be drunk, tablets can be taken immediately and often take effect more quickly.
No flavour preference: Some people don't like the taste of coffee or prefer to take caffeine in other ways. Supplements offer a flavour-neutral alternative.
No acidity: Coffee can be acidic and cause stomach problems for some people. Supplements are usually acid-free and can therefore be better for people with sensitive stomachs.
Can caffeine tablets help with headaches?
They can help with headaches in some cases, especially when used in combination with other pain-relieving medications. This is because caffeine can affect the blood vessels in the brain and increase the absorption of painkillers. However, various other studies also show that caffeine can also trigger migraine attacks [3,4].
Some over-the-counter painkillers used to treat headaches and migraines already contain caffeine. This combination of painkiller and caffeine can enhance the pain-relieving effect of the medication and help to relieve the pain more quickly [5].
It is important to note that caffeine-containing supplements alone are not always the best choice for treatment. The effects of caffeine can vary from person to person, and caffeine can even trigger or exacerbate headaches in some cases, especially when consumed in excessive amounts.
What dosage do caffeine tablets have?
The amount of active ingredient can vary from product to product, but typically caffeine capsules contain an amount of 100 to 200 mg of caffeine per tablet. This is roughly equivalent to the amount of caffeine in an average cup of coffee, although there are stronger capsules that may contain more.
It is important to note that the dosage recommendations on the packaging should be followed carefully to avoid unwanted side effects. Individual tolerance to caffeine can vary greatly, and for some people a lower dosage may be sufficient to achieve the desired effects, while others may require a higher dosage.
It is advisable to start with a low dosage and observe the effects.
It is also important to remember that capsules usually work faster than coffee, as the caffeine is taken directly in tablet form. Therefore, you should pay attention to how quickly the effect occurs before taking additional tablets to avoid overdosing.
When not to take caffeine supplements under any circumstances?
There are certain situations and health conditions where you should not take such supplements under any circumstances or should be extremely careful, as this may pose health risks. Here are some examples:
Heart problems: People with heart problems, especially cardiac arrhythmias or uncontrolled high blood pressure, should avoid such capsules or only take them under medical supervision. Caffeine can stimulate the cardiovascular system and increase blood pressure, which can be dangerous.
Pregnancy: Pregnant women should limit their caffeine intake, as excessive caffeine during pregnancy may be associated with complications and potential harm to the unborn child. The exact amount considered safe can vary, but many experts recommend limiting daily caffeine intake to 200 milligrams or less when expecting a child.
Breastfeeding: Women who are breastfeeding should also limit their caffeine intake, as caffeine can pass into breast milk and cause sleep disturbances or restlessness in infants.
Anxiety and sleep disorders: People who suffer from anxiety or sleep disorders should be careful as caffeine can exacerbate anxiety and sleep problems.
Gastric ulcers and digestive problems: For people with gastric ulcers or other serious gastrointestinal conditions, caffeine may worsen symptoms and cause stomach irritation.
Medications and interactions: Caffeine may interact with certain medications and health conditions. It is important to discuss this with your doctor, especially if you are taking other prescription or over-the-counter medications.
Caffeine hypersensitivity: Some people are hypersensitive to caffeine and may experience unpleasant side effects even at low doses.
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6835847/
[2] https://www.fda. gov/consumers/consumer-updates/spilling-beans-how-much-caffeine-too-much
[3] https://health.clevelandclinic. org/does-caffeine-cause-migraines/
[4] https://www. nature.com/articles/s41598-023-36325-8
- High dose caffeine with 200 mg per tablet
- An alternative to coffee, tea and energy drinks
- Vegan tablets